FIcontent.Gaming.Enabler.RealityMixer.CameraArtifactRendering  1.0.0
In see-through augmented reality applications, a camera, typically on the backside of a mobile device, captures video. At the same time the video is played live on the screen and virtual objects are rendered and overlaid in real-time. In general, the captured images and the rendered objects do not visually blend together well. For example, the camera sensor adds noise and the lens adds optical distortion to the captured images, but the rendered virtual objects do not exhibit any noise or distortion. However, these image effects, or artifacts, can be artificially created and applied. This project demonstrates how motion blur can be generated from the camera and applied to the virual content.
Class Index
C | M | T
CARLinearBlur   MergeCameraDelayTextures   TargetTextureDelayBehaviour   
C | M | T